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Office of the Rector / Welcome Message

Having experienced difficult and painful times in Haiti, running a university institution in Haiti as Queensland University (UQ) is not easy, the Haitian Private Sector does not invest in universities, if you go dancing or you go organize small balls of music with jazz, of course the Haitian Private Sector will finance you, but a Christian university Center like the Queensland University (UQ) would be in a difficult situation to find a subsidy within the Haitian Private Sector.

In January 2014 when we obtained the Legal Recognition of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) and the Favorable Opinion of the Directorate of Higher Education and Scientific Research (DESRS) of the MENFP, Mrs. Izelle Dubuisson Dorsainvil has been appointed Rector of Queensland University (UQ) and represents the institution with the Haitian government, the Ministry of Education and other national and international institutions.

Surely, God uses many people in his causes. It's so comforting to know that he has the ultimate control of the situation. We are so grateful to friends like you who are a vital part of his ministry here in Haiti. O God, my help comes from the Lord Jesus.
Make a Donation for the advancement of this ministry.

Izelle D Dubuisson, Ph.D Rector www.uqstegnetwork.org Campus Nord-est, Fort-Liberté,
Telephone: (509) 3472-0146
Email : info@uqstegnetwork.org / rectoratuqhaiti@gmail.org