Training Institute in Occupational Therapy and Psychotherapy (IFEP)
The Training Institute in Occupational Therapy and Psychotherapy (IFEP) of Queensland University (UQ) was created in the year 2010 after the passage of the earthquake of January 12, 2010. It has a rehabilitation clinic and center of care.
Evolution of studies
In a very rehabilitative profession, which parallels massage therapy, occupational therapy asserts its identity in the field of rehabilitation / reintegration and in the medico-social and social fields. Students are trained to evaluate the motor, sensory, sensory, and psychological consequences of the illness, as well as the environment (material, social, family) of the person as well as their lifestyle. They must be able to detect, analyze the factors and situations that make the person dependent. They learn how to write a specification of the proposals and, in collaboration with the social workers, to build a financing plan for technical and / or human aids or changes to the habitat. The teaching is spread over three (3) years organized in 6 semesters. It is a professionalism teaching alternately. It includes classes and tutorials.
As of September of the first year of study, a full-time internship is organized. Eight (8) additional months of full-time internships will be spread over the second and third years. They are supervised by occupational therapists with at least 3 to 4 years of professional practice.
Continuing Education
A continuing education program of the Institute of Training in Occupational Therapy and Psychotherapy (IFEP) at Queensland University (UQ):
The treatment of neuropathic pain syndromes by the sensitive reeducation of pain:
Contact :
Queensland University (UQ)Training Institute in Occupational Therapy and Psychotherapy (IFEP)
- Email:
- TéléPhone: (509) 2209-6016