Homeopathic Association of Haiti (HA-Haiti)
The Homeopathic Association of Haiti (AH-Haiti) was founded in October 2010 with the spread of the Cholera epidemic by the contingent of Nepalese soldiers sent to Haiti by the United Nations, after the passage of the earthquake of January 12, 2010, by Jean-Claude Dorsainvil of Queensland University (UQ) with the main mission of providing humanitarian aid to Haiti's rural and urban communities in need. The Homeopathic Association of Haiti (AH-Haiti) is a non-profit volunteer organization that offers both treatment and education while serving as partners with rural and urban communities in Haiti. The main goal of the Homeopathic Association of Haiti (AH-Haiti) in collaboration with the Homeopathic Training School of Queensland University (UQ) is to promote independence in the use of homeopathic medicine in Haiti.
The Homeopathic Association of Haiti is a member of Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), Europa, www.lmhi.org and is represented in Haiti by Mr. Jean-Claude Dorsainvil, representative of LMHI-Haiti.
The Homeopathic Training School of Queensland University (UQ) in collaboration with, The School of Nutrition, the Faculty of Nursing Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine and Community Health of Queensland University (UQ) will open a Program Homeopathic Study for physicians, nurses, doctors, nutritionists, veterinarians, and for community homeopaths and traditional medicine professionals.
The Homeopathic Training School at Queensland University offers a Diploma and Certificate Program for those interested in enrolling in this program.
Contact us
Homeopathic Association of Haiti (HA-Haiti)
Homeopathic Training School of Queensland University (UQ)