Center for Research, Training and Action on Migration and Repatriation (CERFAM)
The Center for Research, Training and Action on Migration and Repatriation (CERFAM) of Queensland University (UQ) is a resource and continuing education institution created in 2014 by the Queensland University Council (UQ), serving professionals in social action, education, cultural and economic development. The Center aims, through a multidisciplinary approach, to build links between research and interventions in the field of migration and immigration, integration and development, and the fight against discrimination.
What are the objectives of CERFAM?
The objectives of CERFAM are:
- Inform about discriminatory mechanisms as factors of exclusion and violence;
- Promote intercultural relations as an instrument of quality integration and development;
- Contribute to the establishment of democratic mechanisms promoting the positive management of socio-cultural differences and sustainable development.
- Assist refugees and returnees expelled from Latin America, North America and other countries.
What are the center's means of action?
CERFAM's means are awareness-raising, training and support, as well as the networking
of social workers, community leaders and political decision-makers. The center also runs
research and development and evaluation processes, as well as various publications on the
issues of socio-economic development, exclusion and management of socio-cultural conflicts.
What are the areas of intervention of the Center?
The fields of intervention of Cerfam are:- The evolution of immigrant or immigrant communities and, in particular, the observation
of processes of psychosocial integration and the dynamics of cultural identities;
- The links between migration and development both in the spaces of origin and in the reception areas;
- The development of policies and methods of sosio-pedagogic and intercultural intervention: training,
support and evaluation of field teams, practical achievements, etc.
Major themes will concern the Center for Research, Training and Actions on Migration
and Repatriated (CERFAM).
- Governance and Local Development and Territorial Communities and Conflict Management through local development, intercultural dialogue andiversity education in its many forms;
- Socio-professional integration and enhancement of skills of migrants and people from migrations in Chile, Dominican Republic, Nassau Bahamas, Miami, etc.
- Participation of migrants in international solidarity actions and the management of migratory flows coming from the Dominican Republic, Chile, Miami Florida, Europe ... etc.
Geographical zones concerned by the work of CERFAM.
The Center for Research, Training and Actions on Migration and Repatriation (CERFAM) has several work areas will depend on developments in the development of the situation: Nassau Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Chile, Miami, Europe..Etc ..
Contact :
Center for Research, Training and Actions on Migration and Repatriation (CERFAM-UQ)
- North-East, Fort-Liberté, Ferrier road entrance
- Email:
- Phone: (509) 4310-5050
- Port-au-Prince, Haiti