Haitian Society for Nutrition (HASN)
The Haitian Society for Nutrition is a non profit organization dedicated to bringing together the rural and urban areas of Haiti top researchers, clinical nutritionists and industry to advance and develop our knowledge and application of nutrition for the sake of humans and animals. Our focus ranges from the most critical details of research and application to the broadest application in society and in the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences of Queensland University (UQ) in Haiti and in Caribbean region.
Through excellence in nutrition research and practice, Haitian Society for Nutrition members enhance scientific knowledge and quality of life in the rural and urban areas of Haiti. The HASN supports its members and fulfills its mission by fostering and enhancing research in animal and human nutrition; providing opportunities for sharing, disseminating, and archiving peer-reviewed nutrition research results. Actually in Haiti there are 3, 5 millions of Haitian children suffering of a chronic malnutrition, 2, 5 millions of women are suffering of malnutrition and 4, 5 millions of Haitian small farmers making face to a big famine.
Haitian Society for Nutrition (HASN) was founded on the Campus of Queensland University (UQ) in November 2013 in collaboration with the members office of the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences of Queensland University (UQ) Haiti. Today, the HASN encompasses both research and clinical focuses and is building upon its rich history of the chronic malnutrition making face the Haitian population.
Contact Us Haitian Society for Nutrition (HASN)
C/O Campus Queensland University (UQ) Route Nationale no 1, en face Lafito & Minoterie
Campus Nord-est, entree route Ferrier
Telephone (509) 3353-2009
Email : haitiansocietyfornutrition@gmail.com
Port-au-Prince, Haiti