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School of Physical Education and Sport (SPES-UQ)

The School of Physical Education and Sport, Queensland University (UQ) Haiti, was incorporated into Queensland University (UQ) as a School of Physical Education and Sport in 2014, and as a School in 2015. Its missions is to educate and train professionals in sport and physical education ( for children, adults and seniors, with and without special needs, military physical education, civil protection education, sport management, recreation and physiotherapy. The Bachelor and Masters Programmes are grounded in both theory and practice. The Study programmes of Physiotherapy and Physical Education and Sport are also taught in French and English sometimes in Spanish. The School is alos part of European Programmes in cooperation with European Universities. At the Doctoral level, the School offers programmes in Kinanthropology, (human movement studies) and Biomechanics, in both English language and French.

The Study programmes are supported relevant research and enriched by cooperation at the local level with local authorities and various professional organizations, and at the international level with various foreign universities and international organizations.

The School of Physical Education and Sport (SPES) of Queensland University (UQ) Haiti is a member of Federation Internationale d’Education Physique (FIEP) Europa, Slovakia. The School also provides opportunities for the education of the general public, offering a wide range of lifelong learning courses about Queensland University (UQ) Haiti.


Queensland University (UQ)
School of Physical Education and Sport (SPES)
Email : uqueensland@gmail.com
Telephone: (509) 3142-4700